Venue hire from £50 per hour
+ Managing/cleaning/closing down fee £200
(concessions maybe available to not-for-profits)
- minimum hire period three hours
Available to hire from 0800hrs to 2300hrs
Catering at additional cost
Alcohol licence applied for, until received, customers to provide own alcohol
Venues available
Please note the Onion Garden is composed of different inside and outside spaces,
please email for more information

A) The entire Onion Garden
The Orangery, Coffee Pavilion and adjacent outside spaces
100 for drinks, reception/recitals/exhibitions

B) Orangery / Greenhouse
30 people for drinks, reception or talk
20 people for seated dinner
15 people for hands-on workshop

C) Orangery and Kings Gate Parade
The outside space adjacent to the Orangery
50 people for drinks, reception
30 people seated dinner (in Orangery)

D) Coffee Pavilion
Please note The Onion Garden Cafe (currently housed in the Orangery) is open Monday to Friday 0800hrs to 1530hrs for hot drinks and a small selection of cakes.
20 people for drinks, reception
10 people seated for informal meeting

E) Coffee Pavilion and adjacent outside space
50 people for drinks, reception/exhibitions