A garden open to all; anyone who shares its philosophy of kindness and tolerance to all living creatures can get involved
A green space for gathering, connecting, enjoying, sharing, collaborating, inspiring and learning
A haven of peace and tranquility for humans, and much needed biodiversity for wildlife
In Praise of the Onion
Egyptians of old, or so we are told
Loved onions as if they were gold
Their concentric circles could end all stife
And a passport they thought to eternal life.
Ramses the Fourth died in Egyptian guise
Not with pearls but with onions in his eyes.
They are a journey into the past
But don’t go there too fast
Six thousand years ago it sealed their fate
When adopted by Alexander the Great.
He transported them from Egypt to Greece
As a personal military showpiece
They spread to Europe, history attests
Hugging the heels of Alex’s conquests
Sadly, there is little for experts to embrace
Archaeologists are forced to lose face
For onions just rot and leave no trace
So we are left with memories alone.
Now all these facts are widely known
I’d like an onion garden of my own.
(Victor Keegan 2024)